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The Message of Jonah

Updated: Apr 8, 2024

The Message of Jonah

“A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign,

and no sign shall be given to it

except the sign of the prophet Jonah.”

Matthew 16:4

In the path of the April 8th eclipse is a town named Jonah.

Jonah is a biblical book full with the number 8. Some words are used 8 times in it like the word "great." A great city, a great wind, a great fish, etc...

But Jonah has other connections to the number 8 that are worth reviewing.

Jonah Connections in the Eclipse

It all starts in Texas.

Jonah is a town in Texas.

Jonah went to Joppa,

which is also a town in Texas.

Jonah eventually goes to Nineveh, which, you guessed it,

is also a town in Texas.

In fact there are 8 Nineveh's in this eclipse path...oh wait, that is not right.

There are actually nine,

and that means something truly unique.

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