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Why Do People Think of the Rapture When They See a Solar Eclipse? (Post 6 of Signs in the Heavens)

Updated: Jun 10, 2024

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A picture of the Rapture exists in the Total Solar Eclipse, and people seem to get the concept.

Many understand the Total Solar Eclipse foreshadows the Rapture.

Anytime there is a Solar Eclipse, conversation comes up at some point, "Is the Rapture about to happen?" It surfaces in most coverages of eclipses at one point or another.

Why does this happen? Is there something to the Total Solar Eclipse and the Rapture have in common? How is it that people make this association?

Let’s define both to see the connection they share.


A Total Solar Eclipse is when the sun and the moon meet in the heavens, and the sky grows dark. The Moon comes between the sun and the earth in a precise alignment that blocks out the light of the sun. In doing this, the night sky is seen during the day.

Eclipses occur because the sun is 400x larger than the moon, and the moon 400x closer.

They are an exact size match.

To an observer on the Earth, both heavenly bodies appear to be the same size.

The only place in the solar system this can occur is on the earth.

No other planet has this privilege.

Mercury has no moon to make this celestial dance happen, nor does Venus. Mars, has two moons but each is too small for a complete eclipse of hte sun to occur. Jupiter, Saturn and the rest of the gas giants are so far away that the proportional sizes of moons to the sun all fail for this purpose.

Our planet is the only stage for this celestial show.

Only people on the surface of the earth get to see the meeting in the sky.


According to Romans 1:20 and Psalm 19:1-4, we understand that the physical universe which can be seen reveals knowledge about God of whom we cannot see. Therefore, as Paul says,

These are a shadow of the things that were to come;

the reality, however, is found in Christ.

Colossians 2:7

Paul is talking about new moons in the previous verse (Col 2:16).

Therefore, the physical universe is a "shadow of things"...but the real things is Jesus.

In other words, Jesus is the light and the universe is the shadow cast for us to see.

It is from the shadow then, that we can form ideas about who God really is.

Taking this idea to the Total Solar Eclipse we can make the following deductions.

  1. We have a physical sun which we can see, and

  2. a physical moon.

  3. Their actions are that they meet in the sky and

  4. leave the world in darkness for a short time period.

If each of these things "which we see" can be used to understand something that "we cannot see," then the following is true.

  • The sun is a picture of Jesus.

  • The moon is a picture of the bride.

  • The earth is a picture of mankind.

  • The meeting in the sky is a picture of the rapture and the tribulation


Jesus said in Scripture that He is the Light of the World. He is also the Life of this world.

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.

John 8:13

NASA says: the Sun is the light of the world and the life of this world.

The connection and interaction between the Sun and the Earth drive the seasons, currents in the ocean, weather, and climate.

Without the sun's intense energy

there would be no life on Earth

From NASA's "10 Things You Need To Know About the Sun."(1)

The sun is a picture of Jesus Christ, the light and life of this world.

In [the heavens] He has set a tabernacle for the sun,

Which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,

And rejoices like a strong man to run its race.

Its rising is from one end of heaven,

And its circuit to the other end;

And there is nothing hidden from its heat.

Psalm 19:4-6

The sun is like a bridegroom. Jesus is the bridegroom and constantly referred to this role in Scripture.

The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king

who arranged a marriage for his son.

Matthew 22:2

The connections to Jesus and the sun are obvious.

  • The Sun is the Light of the World

  • It is like the Bridegroom

  • It is in the Heavens


  • The Moon is to Shine its Light to Men

  • It is like the Bride

  • It is in the Heavens

Moon's origin theories:

The moon has several origin theories from being captured, to being a result of the earth being smashed by a Mars-sized object.

What we do know is that the moon is of the earth.

It either came out of the earth, or it belongs to the earth now, therefore, the moon is earth's satellite.

The Moon is a shadow of saved mankind which came from the earth.

The moon has no light of its own, but neither does the bride of Christ for as a believer we are saved by the righteousness of another and not ourselves.

Our light is from the Bridegroom, just like the moon's light is from the sun. Thus, the moon is a picture of the redeemed bride.


The earth is given to man.

Man cannot live anywhere else. His body is adjusted to life on the earth.

In space our muscles atrophy.

In the water we cannot breath.

The pressure is also a problem.

We need oxygen, light, and gravity in the measure that the earth provides in abundance.

In fact, we need around 20 factors to operate simultaneously for us just to be alive. We have to be in a "Goldilox Zone" where everything has to be just right. This is called the fine-tuned argument, or the anthropic principle. These conditions are only found on the earth.

The earth is a shadow of all mankind, specifically of unsaved humanity.


When the sun meets the moon in the sky, the earth is left in darkness as they disappear in the heavens.

The Interpretation is this.

When the Bridegroom and the bride meet in the sky, the earth is left in darkness as they disappear into heaven.

This is why people instinctively understand that he Rapture is what the Total Solar Eclipse is declaring.


When we see an eclipse in the sky, why does the Rapture always come into the conversation? Because the Total Solar Eclipse is a picture, or a "shadow," of things to come, namely the Rapture.

We have road signs to tell us an exit is ahead, a bridge is out, a gas station is at this exit, etc.

They tell us in advance so awe can be take the correct action to accomplish the goal.

The Total Solar Eclipse is a road sign.

When there is an eclipse, does it specifically mean that he Rapture is here? No, it is a road sign, a remembrance that the event is coming.

Other Posts In This Series:

  1. Why Does Jesus Tell Us To Look Up?

  2. Did Jesus Need the Star of Bethlehem?

  3. Where Did the Star of Bethlehem Go?

  4. What Does it Mean When the Sun Goes Dark?

  5. The Sign of the Blood Moons


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