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Why the Devil Cannot Be the Real Cloud Rider (Post 6 of 7 - The Cloud Rider)

Updated: May 8, 2024

The Cloud Rider

The devil tries to make himself the self proclaimed Cloud Rider, the Prince of the Power of the Air, as Paul calls him, but we must remember that he is only a usurper who desires to overtake things which are not his.

In short, the devil longs for what he does not possess.

He took Jesus up to a "high place"

and showed him all the kingdoms of the world.

But there was Another Who laid claim to that title of the Cloud Rider.

Enter Jesus Christ

If Satan is not the only one who claims to be the Cloud Rider, then who else does? Read this description of Jesus in the book of Revelation.

and from Jesus Christ ...

Behold, He is coming with clouds,

and every eye will see Him,

Revelation 1:6-7

Here is verse 7 in The Message version:

Glory and strength to Christ ...

He’s on his way!

Riding the clouds,

He’ll be seen by every eye,

From this description, Jesus is literally going to be the one riding the clouds.

Jesus's Mastery Over the Cloud

The Rainbow in the Cloud

Jesus is the One Who placed the rainbow in the cloud because He has authority there.

I set My rainbow in the cloud...

when I bring a cloud over the earth,

the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud...

Genesis 9:13-14

The Pillar of Cloud

The Lord also uses the Pillar of Cloud to lead the way for the children of Israel to exit Egypt. Jesus is saying to them, "Follow My cloud," for He was in the cloud.

And the Lord went before them by day

in a pillar of cloud to lead the way

Exodus 13:21

Glory Cloud

The Lord makes appearance "in" a cloud, and when the clouds of glory appear so does the Lord.

The clouds were His transport system.

Then the Lord came down in the cloud,

and spoke to [Moses]...

Numbers 11:25

The devil is never allowed to ascend above the bottom of the clouds, but Jesus is above, rides on or in a cloud, set His bow of authority there, and uses clouds as a transport system.

It is clear that Satan is not the Cloud Rider.

But is there a place in Scripture that specifically tells who the Cloud Rider is?

Next Post: The Revelation of the Cloud Rider


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