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When Science Left God (Post 5/8 - Necessary Evil)

because, although they knew God,

they did not glorify Him as God,

nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts,

and their foolish hearts were darkened.

Romans 1:21

Men Changed Their Minds

After the development of the Printing Press by Gutenberg and the Protestant Reformation, persecution came fast and furious.

This oppressive mistreatment took form in the Spanish Inquisition and the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation.

However, the holy (lightened) sciences began to manifest during this time by men who sought inspired knowledge from the word of God.

From Kepler to Newton and beyond, men were searching for knowledge with Scriptural guidance.

But then came the men who wanted knowledge without God.

Satan's Tactics

First to persecute, then to divert.

Protestant Movement met the Anti-Protestant Movement that spawned the Spanish Inquisition, religious persecution that berthed America.

The Persecution.

Then, the "other" way: the Diversion.

Satan's tactic was to stop the outpouring.

His first action was tyrannical mistreatment of the masses. Though persecutions could not stop the scientific revolutions as it continued to grow and generate more power, another tactic would.

The divergent path would do more damage than threats.

Then came the ultimate offering of knowledge “without GOD.“

Men fell by the wayside as they were told that they could have their cake and eat it too.

This measure of veering scientist off of the righteous path is known of as the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The frist step was to relabel Scientific Method's Laws (given by God to God-fearing men) to Natural Laws.

It was subtle shade given to the Creator who suddenly became unwanted by certain men.

Professing to be wise, they became fools,

Romans 1:22

Corruption's Judgment

When Lucifer offered men knowledge without God, he was replaying what had happened in the Garden of Eden under a certain tree. The result of men taking this knowledge was judgment. That world ended under a flood for their corruption.

So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt;

for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.

Genesis 6:12

When we graph technology's growth over 6000 years, we notice something. Man's science did not grow quickly over a long period of time. It slowed down.

There was a basic flatline of knowledge increase for most of mankind's history.

Corruption's judgment implemented a slow growth of man's technology.

According to E. W. Bullinger and Joseph A. Seiss, biblical scholars who each wrote about the Gospel in the heavens, Adam invented astronomy. They state that according to French astronomer, Nicolas-Antoine Nouet, astronomy in Egypt is 5400 years old dating back to the time of the first man in the garden.

Ancient Persian and Arabian traditions ascribe its invention to Adam, Seth, and Enoch. who were Adam's sons.

Historian Josephus also pinpoints astronomy's start date back to the line of Seth, the third son of Adam.

Originally, man received knowledge directly from God Himself.

This is where Adam received such advanced knowledge.

But then, because of the fall at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, knowledge became corrupted.

Part of the judgment was to limit its growth going forward.

God slowed down the rate at which men received advancements. Men proved they loved knowledge of evil. The Lord was then restored as the Source of knowledge in covenant.

But this technology gap occurred because of the judgment from one event: the fall at the Tree.


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