The Social "Jesus"
Jesus will be an international rockstar.
He has come to save the planet, not the world, let the reader understand. He will be more of a social Jesus than a spiritual savior.
There will be glimpses ‘immortalized’ on camera, shared on Instagram, fed on Facebook, and tweeted around social media. The perfect “Jesus” moments, will be captured and shared millions of times more than anything else. Facebook and X (Twitter) will hang on his every world as atheists and homosexuals follow him.
The Returned "Jesus" will go viral.
Like a tsunami he will flood the whole world and the world will receive him in his own name. All will find grace and forgiveness through him. Let the reader understand.
He will be accepted by the homeless, homosexual, and atheist.
The Technological "Jesus"
Scientists will flock as he reveals technical secrets and explains mysteries. The clinical mind will be amazed and fall to him they way most fell to threat of a pandemic. All barriers will be brought down, as scientists will be wowed by his interest in Science (though it is technology he is more interested in than science).
He will reveal a power source from the fabric of the universe, harnessing zero-point energy solving the world’s power crises in short order with unlimited clean, safe energy. Fossil fuels will be a thing of the past overnight.
He will have economic solutions to stimulate the economy. All faiths will be validated and at the same time molded into one, bringing science into harmony with religion. The worlds' minds will be blown as they rapidly accept him as the "real deal."
For the final few holding out, it may be that he will be validated through the DNA on the Shroud of Turin. Maybe his own DNA will be cloned and used to end cancer. The results will be undeniable. The miracle cure is the DNA of this returned Jesus.
Then he makes an announcement about his name: His name is Isa.
His Name is Isa
The world will accept him.
Who else would they accept more than a “returning Jesus” albeit a false one?
Through false signs and wonders maybe even walking on water or feeding thousands, or calling down fire from heaven, he will identify himself as the biblical Jesus, to the majority.
DNA matches, computer imagery confirming exact bone structure or wound placements. The world will be astounded, and they will see all of this on live television broadcasts.
Isa is the False Prophet
And once accepted as the authentic "Jesus," the world will be caught in his snare. Strange how Muslims are waiting for the return of Jesus more than the Christians, although it is really Isa that they are waiting for.
Remember when the leader of Iran said,
“…will come with logic, with culture, with science.”
This replacement Jesus, Isa, will control technology, and culture, to sway the population to the Beast. He will create the system we have longed feared.
But "Isa" the false Jesus will have much work to do, just as the Muslims say he will.
Next Post: The Work of the False Jesus
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