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Three Signs - One Message

Updated: Apr 9, 2024

The Total Solar Eclipse on April 4th, 2024 is one event that sends out three messages, that have the same message.

A Trinitarian Message From a Trinitarian God

God is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, or Three-In-One.

This is the form that the object of our worship takes for God is a Trinitarian Being, which we call the Holy Trinity.

In Genesis 1:26 we are made privy of a communication the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are having.

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image,

according to Our likeness;

let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,

over the birds of the air, and over the cattle,

over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

God made man in His image, or in other words, "to be like Him."

We are fashioned in a trinitarian nature as a human being in that we have a body, soul, and spirit. Our Body is like Jesus who had a body, and our spirit is like the Holy Spirit, and our soul is like the Father.

We are trinitarian in nature just as our God is trinitarian.

We receive messages in three parts (beginning, middle, and end) and understand them as one.


We use a method called triangulation to identify the true location of a place. by measuring from three points, or angles, we can pinpoint the exact place of an object, a city, a lake, etc.

We use this method with cellphone technology, for example.

Triangulation, therefore, is defined as:

The method of making measurements

and using trigonometry

to find where places are located

on the earth's surface

using points whose exact location is known

and by constructing a network of triangles.

We can then triangulate the message God is speaking by using a method of three to pinpoint the truth of it. Therefore, if we examine he Eclipse in a threefold perspective, we can isolate what the Lord is really saying, and this is the method we will use.


In astronomy this is an alignment of at least three bodies to form a straight line, such as an eclipse. This is where the earth, moon and sun perform their celestial motions to such a precise degree, that three bodies make one line in the heavens. More precisely, located from the surface of the earth, this line of the syzygy comes into sharp focus as a fine point.

When we see a threefold message start to line up and it makes a fine point, then we know we are focusing on the correct message.

Syzygy has another feature as it means a "yoke," as in a yoke that a pair of oxen would wear while plowing a field. It is a message of converting the power of effort into force, often linked to carrying a heavy burden, a binding of a criminal, or even slavery. It has space for at least two.

We are reminded of this scripture:

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,

for I am gentle and lowly in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls.

For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Matthew 11:29-30

When three things line to form a point it forms a syzygy

A syzygy is a yoke, and Jesus says when you see His yoke take it for His burden is light.

In astronomy, a Total Solar Eclipse is syzygy, a lining up of three, and when you see it it is a yoke of the Lord, a "light" burden, or a sign formed by light.

Take it is His command which means that Yoke made for two that we put upon our shoulders, that one side is empty as we occupy the other. That is when the Lord comes to us, takes up the open side of the yoke, and shoulders the heavy burden to make it light work for us. He shoulders the heavy burden we have to carry.

Likewise, Jesus said to take up His yoke an and learn from Him.

We will learn from this syzygy, a three in one alignment of messages that make one point.

The Eclipse Has Three Signs

Therefore, it is exciting to see that there are three messages forming from the sign of converging paths of the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 and 2024. It is forming an "x" over America, causing many to wonder what this "sign" maybe pointing toward.

We see three messages are coming to light from this celestial event, and we can use them to triangulate. If the three to point to one message, and that message lines up with Scripture, then we can be sure we have triangulated the Lord's position on His message. If they bring one message into sharp focus, and it lines up with Scripture, then we can be sure we are not taking up any private interpretation of man.

The Eclipse event is revealing these three things:

  1. Sign #1 - Little Egypt

  2. Sign #2 - Jonah

  3. Sign #3 - Revival

If we look at each of these "signs" in order, and they form one message, and that message lines up with Scripture, then we can be sure we are hearing from the Lord.

Main Page: Eclipse Notes



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