We know that Satan is a counterfeiter. He longs to take what God possesses and create a simulacrum of the reality. He wants to create a copy of the real thing.
"I will be like the Most High."
Lucifer is a charlatan because he has seen the Father on the throne in heaven. This explains why Satan has established a throne in his realm on the earth: He wants a copy of what God has.
The following two verses explains the motivation in his evil spirit.
For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
Isaiah 14:13
I know your works, and where you dwell,
where Satan’s throne is....
[that is, Pergamon Altar]
Revelation 2:13
Satan wants an unholy trinity because he has seen the Holy version of it. His trinity seems valid to consider, but have we been taught a distortion concerning it?
We think of the antichrist is the opposite of Christ, always doing the opposite of what Jesus would do, or having an opposing view.
However, this is where the dirt maybe getting mixed in the water. We might just have a muddy view of what is about to happen.
But remember that the devil is a deceiver.
We understand that Lucifer wants what God has.
Satan is a usurper.
And in a greater measure he is a deceiver. What if there is a little dirt (deception) taught in the water with the Unholy Trinity concept we are so readily accept in modern Christendom?
That old dragon is a counterfeiter, a deceiver and most o fall he is a usurper.
But even more so is a replacer.
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