In This Post:
Romans 1:20 says that God's invisible attributes, eternal power, and divine nature have been clearly seen since the creation of the world.
We can learn about God by what we see in creation. Creation proclaims the glory, majesty, power and Divine nature of the Creator
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands
Psalm 19:1
Looking for evidence of sounds of the Big Bang, scientists ran into something unexpected.
A team of astronomers recorded an unexpected sound booming six times louder than anything they expected they would find. They found it with 7 absolute zero sensors scanning just 7% of the sky at 120,000 feet; that is how obvious it was.” (1)
Also, scientists have documented:
Nothing in the known Universe has the potential to generate a radio signal of such power. (2)
According to NASA, the intense roar made up more sound than all the stars and galaxies in the Universe put together.
The loudest sound is in space.
It is called "The Space Roar."
Instead of finding what they set out to discover, they stumbled upon something far more astounding. There was a roaring noise sound six times louder than anything they expected to notice, and it was so ‘loud’ it made them listen.
It is so loud that nothing else can be heard under it or behind it.
"The source of this cosmic radio background remains a mystery." (3)
The roaring sound they are still hearing in the heavens could be the Word of God spoken at Creation, and the resulting song of the stars, and the shouts of the sons of God as the Scriptures declare. The Lord created the worlds with the Word, and continues to sustain it by the same. This is the sound of the Creation Roar echoing through the Cosmos. Indeed, the Universe is telling us something: Jesus is roaring life in the heavens.
The heavens are sonic.
On May 20, 1964, at Bell Labs' Holmdale Horn Antenna in New Jersey, radio (sound) astronomers picked up a strange buzzing sound that came from all parts of the sky, no matter what time, nor position they aimed their antenna.
They had discovered the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB), the left-over sound waves of the supposed Big Bang, or scientifically theorized creation point of the Universe.
The discovery of this sound changed everything.
Most originally believed the Universe to be a "steady state" or eternal model, but the CMB eventually was used to prove that the Cosmos has a beginning, just like the Bible said in Genesis 1:1. Creation was testifying of its Creator.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
There are sounds everywhere in space.
Space can make music if you know how to listen. (4)
Scientists have discovered that each planet make a sound, distinctive from the other. Apostle Paul revealed in ancient times heavenly things are different from each other.
There is one glory of the sun,
and another glory of the moon,
and another glory of the stars:
for one star differs from another star in glory.
1 Corinthians 15:41
As NASA has discovered, each planet has its own ‘sound’, and each is different, one from another. Not only have they heard planets, but astronomers have also discovered the sun also has a distinct sound, as do stars, pulsars, black holes, planetary rings, moons, and even comets.
NASA has started a kind of "space radio" (5) where we can hear electromagnetic waves converted into audio. We can listen to the Universe for the first time.
They are pouring out sound or speech every second of every day, we only have to know how to listen.
The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard.
Psalm 19:1-3
The next "sounds" from out there could be surprising indeed. (5)
Sound is where all the discoveries are currently being made. Sine sound exists as electromagnetic vibrations and is the basis of radio transmissions, it is a wonder we were not exploring down this avenue before.
We have found the sore structure of the sun using a process called "Helioseismology."
Solar astronomers may have finally detected gravity waves in our star’s core, revealing that the Sun’s central region rotates about four times faster than the outer layers.
As acoustic waves move through the Sun, changes in internal structure or density affect how fast they travel. So scientists can use these waves to “see” inside the Sun,
In space, sounds are something we can see.
How many times have we heard that we get to the afterlife, we will see sound, taste colors, hear silent things speak? Our sense will be enhanced in the spiritual realm when the human body is glorified, but in the heavens where the stars play we can get a foretaste of this divine attribute.
We can see sound waves in outer space.
Gravitational waves generated by cosmic inflation are the farthest signal back in time humanity can conceive of potentially detecting. New detectors will open our ears to new types of sounds.
There's so much to hear, and we've only just started listening for the first time. (6)
The Stones Will Cry Out
The Universe is telling us something.
And Jesus Himself spoke to those keeping the crowd from praising His arrival about this rowdy need of the Universe to say something.
But He answered and said to them,
“I tell you that if these should keep silent,
the stones would immediately cry out.”
Luke 19:40
The heavens are sonic. They are speaking and declaring the praise of the One Who made them.
See more in the Upcoming book:
Other Posts In This Series:
Where Did the Star of Bethlehem Go?
What Does it Mean When the Sun Goes Dark?
The Sign of the Blood Moons
Why Do People Think of the Rapture When There Is a Total Solar Eclipse?
Comets: Are They Signs of Trouble?
The Universe Is Telling Us Something
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Series: Signs In the Heavens
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