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Where To Get Pure Knowledge From and What It Did For Mankind in History (Post 2/8 - Necessary Evil)

Updated: May 8, 2024

Jesus said that there is good knowledge and bad. There is a knowledge of good and of evil.

The Great Men Of Science

There was a time when men wanted to know the workings of the Universe.

How did they get their understanding. What did they know and how did they get it?

What was the source of their knowledge?

These men searched in unknown places and found knowledge that lit up dark corners of our understanding that benefited all men.

These scientists included the likes of Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilee, Nicolas Copernicus, and Johannes Kepler amongst others in what is termed "the Scientific Revolution." Each of these men were men of faith and believed in the God of the Bible.

Johnanes Kepler was a juggernaut of his time, discovering multiple things which changed the world forever.

Look at this list of accomplishments.

Kepler's Contributions to Science
  • known as the father of modern optics

  • the first to explain depth perception using both eyes

  • First to recognize that images are projected inverted and reversed by the eye's lens onto the retina

  • invented the pinhole camera

  • invented the first powerful telescope

  • known as the father of astronomy

  • the role parallax can play in measuring distances

  • discovered that the tides are caused by the moon

  • discovered that the sun rotates on its axis

  • coined the term 'satellite'

  • calculated the year of Christ's birth that we still use today

  • discovered the three laws of planetary motion we use for space flight today

How could one man discover so much? What was his source of knowledge? When Kepler realized that planets orbit in ellipses, not circles, thus revealing the laws of planetary motion, he is credited with saying:

I am thinking Thy thoughts after Thee.

Johannes Kepler is credited with saying that through his study of the Universe, he was “thinking God’s thoughts after him.” This became the rallying cry of scientists of the era.

Kepler was a man of faith, and that was the source of his knowledge.

Since we astronomers are priests of the highest God in regard to the book of nature, it befits us to be thoughtful, not of the glory of our minds, but rather, above all else, of the glory of God."

At this time men began to base their sciences upon Scripture.

Men like Kepler, Galileo, Newton, and others began to search the Scriptures for their science and to bring glory to God. This brought a unique result but it also had a unique cause.


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