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The sun will be turned to darkness,
and the moon to blood
before the great
and dreadful day of the Lord comes.
Joel 2:31
What was all of the fuss about the Blood moons a few years ago? What did it mean? And was it a sign from the Lord?
The “blood moon,” refers to a full lunar eclipse in which the moon appears a bright orange or a blood red color as it passes behind the earth, into its shadow.
A Blood Moon can occur about two to four times a year.
This begs the question:
If the Blood Moon is that common, what is the big deal?
We do not always get to see them.
For example:
The next blood moon will occur on March 13/14, 2025. The lunar eclipse will begin at 11:57 p.m. EST on March 13 (0357 GMT on March 14) and end at 6:00 a.m. EST (1000 GMT) on March 14.
There is a term associated with Blood Moons called a 'tetrad." A tetrad is simply a group or set of four. When four Blood Moons occur sequentially we call it by this name.
When Four Blood Moons Occur in a Row
When a tetrad occurs on the same day as four Feast Days of Israel, then it becomes a significant thing: in effect, a sign. As Mark Biltz (the discoverer of the Blood Moon phenomenon) reveals, when a Tetrad occurs on four feast days it becomes "an eternal witness forever." Blood Moons, Mark Biltz, p. 49.
The Feast Schedule is a set of seven appointed times that he Jews were called to assemble before the Lord. This is why they often called the "Jewish Feasts," however, they are described in the Bible as the "Feasts of the Lord." Here is a list of the feasts as God gave them to Moses.
The feasts also have a parallel meaning in that they describe the whole dealing of God with man as seen in the illustratoin below.
Spring Feasts
Unleavened Bread
First fruits
Middle Feast
Fall Feasts
Yom Kippur
When the Blood Moons fall on one of these feast days, it is of special importance that we pay attention. When they fall on feast days four times in a row - a tetrad - a major event has occurred.
Looking over the feast schedule, consulting with NASAs blood moon data, Mark Biltz found a pattern. When Blood Moons have fallen in a Tetrad sequence on Feast Days in history, they were indeed supremely significant.
Let us review a few.
Four consecutive Blood Moons fell on the feast schedules of Passover, Tabernacle, Passover again, and Tabernacles again during the years of 32-33 AD.
A startling thing is realized when consider the events occurring during that time.
33 AD was the accepted time of the crucifixion of Jesus, since He was born in the year 1 AD and lived to be 33 years old.
A Tetrad of Blood Moons marked the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
There was also a tetrad of Blood Moons on feast days in 1493-1494.
They fell on Passover, Feast of Trumpets, Passover again and Feast of Trumpets again over a two year span.
The prior year, 1492,
is when Christopher Columbus
discovered the New World, or America.
Again another significant event.
The tetrads that fell on feast days in more modern times signify noteworthy activities.
The Tetrad that fell on recurring feast days of Passover and Tabernacles over a two-year recurring cycle, during 1949-1950, pointed the the newly formed nation of Israel the previous year (like Columbus and America).
The next Tetrad fell on Passover and Tabernacles again in 1967-1968, during the Six-Day War that saw Israel recapture Jerusalem.
The next tetrad is the recent on that became so largely found on the news of 2014-2015, when Trump would become president the next year, who would recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital city.
There is a correlation of the ancient Jewish Feasts - the Lord’s Feasts - to biblical prophecy in today’s church age.
When a blood moon falls on a Feast day…pay attention
There have blood-red moons on the first day of Passover and the first day of Sukkot on back-to-back years seven times since 1 A.D.
That’s 7 times in 2000 years.
Seven is the number for completion. 2014-2015 witnessed the eighth.
In 1948 it happened and the blood moon announced the birth of Israel as a nation.
Once more it happened in 1967, preceding the Six-Day War and also the charismatic revival.
In the past, this occurred when Columbus founded the new world in 1492, which was the same year Jews were expelled from Spain.
The significance of these blood moons are a stunning “sign from the heavens” (Luke 21:25), that are designed by God to get our attention and remind us that we are the generation seeing the words of the prophets come to pass and are marked as the people, some who will not die until they see the return of Christ.
Below are some graphic presentations that show the structure of the Tetrad Blood Moons on Feast Days throughout history.
Tetrads announcing major events.
Notice that they occur in a pattern similar to that of the Feast Schedule. In the Feast schedule we see three spring easts, a middle feast, and then three fall feasts.
The pattern is 3 - 1 - 3.
Looking at the graph below, we see the same pattern. Three tetrads, then one middle tetrad, then three more tetrads following. Also highlighted are the time spans. they are 19 years apart and then 48 years apart in their appearances. 1948 is the year that Israel became a nation, and it the spacing of years between the tetrads. It is 19 and then 48, and then it reverses, to 48 and then 19. Backwards and forwards, there is no doubt about it. God is speaking about Israel through the Blood Moon Tetrads.
Tetrads give us God's authentication.
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