The Cloud Rider
He ... makes the clouds His chariot,
Who walks on the wings of the wind.
Psalm 104:3
In the Psalms. we being to develop who the Cloud Rider really is. Here is a clearer picture still
Sing to God, sing praises to His name;
Extol Him who rides on the clouds,
By His name YAH,
And rejoice before Him.
Psalm 68:4
And the prophet Daniel, outcast from his homeland see a vision of the One Who rides on the clouds.
I was watching in the night visions,
And behold, One like the Son of Man,
Coming with the clouds of heaven!
Daniel 7:13
Even Isiah has seen the Cloud Rider.
Behold, the Lord rides on a swift cloud...
Isaiah 19:1
Not only Isaiah but Jeremiah was another prophet who saw the One riding on the clouds.
Behold, he shall come up like clouds,
And his chariots like a whirlwind.
His horses are swifter than eagles.
Woe to us, for we are plundered!”
Jeremiah 4:13
Ezekiel also saw a holy vision upon the clouds.
Then I looked, and behold, a whirlwind was coming out of the north,
a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself;
and brightness was all around it
and radiating out of its midst like the color of amber,
out of the midst of the fire.
Ezekiel 1:4
Jamin Bradley states:
We often associate clouds with power. In modern media, we depict clouds as a place where superheroes belong.
As the Apostle John records:
Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud,
and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle.
And another angel ...crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud...
And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth;
and the earth was reaped.
Revelation 14:14-16
Again, John records:
Behold, He is coming with clouds,
and every eye will see Him.
Revelation 1:7
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