In This Post:
For God knows that in the day you eat of it
your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,
knowing good and evil.
Genesis 3:5
It was the biggest con job in history, and it corrupted man. Not only man but also creation.
because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption ...
Romans 8:21
Satan offered Eve and Adam something: knowledge without God and it corrupted Creation.
Judgment came in the form of a flood, and God started the world over through righteous Noah.
Now to understand the reaction of judgment, we must first understand this:
the Tree that caused Corruption.
Then the Lord God took the man
and put him in the garden of Eden ...
And the Lord God commanded the man, saying,
“Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat;
but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat,
for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”
Genesis 2:15-17
We know of it as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This tree has fruit on it that is both good and evil.
We think of this in a duality, as if you could pick either the Good or the Evil Fruit. We must be very careful of the fruit we pick because one wrong choice and its all over.
We think in the terms of Good or Evil.
But that is not what God said. If we eat any fruit from it we have made the wrong choice.
It is not Good or Evil, like we have a 50/50 shot. It is Good "and" Evil, where there is a singular connotation.
It is Good "plus" Evil.
The Good and Evil are joined, as if fused together. An evil with good intentions or benefits. An Evil with Good benefits for mankind.
The Lesser of Two Evils…… An Evil used for Good Intent. A Knowledge without God.
We then can more accurate name it as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good Plus Evil. Again, we can clarify it as the Tree of the Knowledge of the Evil for Good. Of further as the Tree of Beneficial Evil.
We get the phrase "this is is for your own good," from choosing from this Tree. Where pain or something that will "hurt will help." Even "no pain, no gain."
The idea that we must endure an evil to get to the good. We often sacrifice the liberties of the individual for the communal good. This is the definition of communism, or socialism, and it too comes from the Tree of Beneficial Evil.
Finally, the Tree can be best described as the Tree of Necessary Evil.
Necessary Evil comes in many forms in our society today.
We all know about Black Magic which is evil knowledge with evil intent.
But there is White Magic which is evil knowledge for good intent.
Then there is Big Brother, the idiom for Government spying which is so aptly portrayed in George Orwell's 1984. Today we see the over reach of government security cameras, databases, and censorship.
It is also a necessary evil.
Like the Greek Prometheus who was punished for giving man the knowledge of fire, Satan is telling us that he is the victim who was just trying to help mankind by giving them knowledge without God.
The devil is a master of getting mankind to eat from this tree. He did it once in the garden, and he did it again after the start of the Scientific Revolution.
He offered men who loved darkness the forbidden fruit of necessary evil, the knowledge of necessary evil.
It is the big lie and there were men who bought it hook, line, and sinker.
The men who loved darkness could no longer produce scientific laws.
NEXT POST: The Men Who Loved Darkness
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