Isn't it odd that "Isis" is in the word Cr"isis"?
The Muslim version of end times reads just like the Bible except from Satan's perspective.
Jesus the leader of Christianity is demoted in the unholy trinity and will become an anti or replacement christ to deceive the whole world.
Who else could have the gravitas to get the whole world's attention if not Jesus?
That Jesus will introduce the Mark of the Beast will be a faith buster for many. All this is foretold in the Muslim version of End Time events.
Yet there is more.
The Crisis
When the world is finally convinced that Jesus has really come back and the Second Coming of Christ has occurred in their time, then the Muslim crisis will flare up hot and unable to be ignored. It will bring the world to its knees.
Who can fix this Middle East mess that seems to threaten the whole world? News coverage will be hyped a day on this issue.
It is at this moment that the people of the earth will go to the Returned Jesus (aka Isa) and cry out, “Help us! Go to the Muslims and make world peace for us. You are the only one who can make this happen.”
And he will gladly consent to the offer, for this is the stage he has set for their trap.
Jesus reaches out to the Mahdi, the leader of the Muslims, and arranges a meeting at a certain mosque as an agreed upon time. This is no less than what the world expect that Jesus would do, but the moment is tense, and everyone is watching on all the news channels.
As news reporters gather outside the Damascus mosque designed to satisfy Islamic prophecy, Jesus turns and waves to the cameras. Hope throughout the world surges as the God man Jesus appears in this historic moment. He enters into the mosque where the Mahdi, the Beast, awaits.
News coverage will be 24 hours a day until he reemerges from the mosque.
The headlines will read,
"Can the Returned Jesus Solve the Middle East Crisis?"
Islamic Prophecy
According to Islam, “Jesus” will return to meet the Islamic Mahdi ( the Twelfth Imam, the great Awaited One), who will be leading a vast army. The world will be afraid of this army and of the Mahdi.
Jesus/Isa will go to a place just outside of Damascus—to a mosque.
The Bible states that a peace treaty
is what starts the Tribulation clock.
There will be no other news than that surrounding this event. It is here that the Peace Treaty may be brokered which will start the worst time in the history of the world.
The TV camera’s are ready to capture the moment that the Returned Jesus emerges from the mosque. What will he say? Was he able to help the Muslim threat?
And then he speaks, but
he will speak like a dragon, not a lamb.
He will say, “I have waited for the right time to tell you that you have been wrong about me all this time, from the crucifixion until now. I am not the son of God, I am Al Masih Isa Ibn Allah. I am Jesus, the son of Allah. My name is Isa and I am a Muslim.
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