The series, "The Image of God," seeks to understand the mystery of man made in the image of his Creator.
This 8-part series delves deep into what does God look like, the make up of man, debriefing revelations about his body, the soul, and spirit. It also touches base on how the Father - a spiritual being - communicates with a physical world.
Do We Look Like God?
Does mankind look like God?
Does God have a mouth, eyes, and ears? Does He have hands and feet? How can we be in the image of God, if He is a Trinity and we are one person? Are there Trinity examples in nature? How does water help explain the nature of God? And how is man made in the image of God?
How Were We Created in God's Image
God is a one, but in three Persons.
Is man a three-part being? Are we body, soul, and spirit?
Are we made of the stuff of heaven and the stuff of earth?
There is a Latin phrase called, Image Dei, meaning that man was made in the image of God.
This is why the life of a human being is considered precious.
Fearfully And Wonderfully Made
The body of man is made of the dust of the earth. It gives us a legal right to operate and have authority in this world. It is our earth uniform. The human body is made in such a unique fashion that just a sample of the incredible facts of the human body will astound us. We certainly are fearfully and wonderfully made.
The Anatomy of the Soul
We are the only creature to have a soul. Animals only possess a spirit, but mankind has both a spirit and a soul. Sometimes people confuse the soul and the spirit, but Scripture declares that it can divide between the two. We find our answers in the Bible about the soul of a man.
The soul is the person of who we are. It is where our intellect, and our emotions are seated.
Man's Unlimited Spirit
The difference between an animal spirit and that of a man. The Hebrew language helps us understand. It is an unlimited option for humanity but it died within us when original sin appeared in the Garden of Eden. Jesus came and told us that we need to be born again, or born of the spirit.
From Heaven To Earth
How God speaks to us. When we are born again, our spirit is regenerated. It is our spirit that communicates with the Spirit of God. From the heart of the Father, the Son speaks what He sees and hears from Him. The Holy Spirit takes what is the Son's and the Father's and makes it known to our spirits. Our soul received heavenly wisdom from our spirits. It is form our soul where we ponder what God has said, then decide to release it into the physical by word of mouth.
The Bad Man Hypothesis
We see that mankind is blamed for the pollution of the world, light pollution, climate change, the destruction of the earth, using up its resources. Mankind is the problem. Then we subdivide it by the sexes, then by race, by social/economic class until all is divided. However, man is not the problem, sin is.
Man was created in the image of God and is indeed called the glory of God. We are a special creation because only we have the ability to reach up into heaven and down into the earth at the same time. We are not hte "bad man" but the crowning achievement in Creation.
The Glorious Future of Mankind
Mankind's end will not be in the physical world alone. He has a destiny to become like Jesus. We will have a placement in the heavenlies and to rule and reign with Jesus. We will have a convental relationship with Him and never be separated from Him again.
Our destiny is above the devil who accuses us. Our destiny is above the angels. Our destiny is to be with Jesus forever.
Don't believe what this world says about mankind, we hav a bright and glorious future.
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