After the 7-year "Heptonic" cycle is completed, where a 2017 Total Solar Eclipse and a 2024 Total Solar Eclipse overlap occurred, we need to ask what all of this is saying to us. Is it a message from God? Is doom and judgment near? Is it all nothing but a celestial mechanics show, or a cosmic clockwork at work?
After reading this blog,
you should have
all of your questions answered.
Who Can Tell?
Too many voices, with too many opinions have muddied the water on the Eclipse Meaning, but this too is a sign for scripture declares:
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
But he who heeds counsel is wise.
Proverbs 12:15
People without the Lord were talking about removing giants from a Giant park, or over concern about calling out the National Guard during the Total Solar Eclipse. Mormon prophets made predictions, New Agers also made theirs, but the Church was the most surprising as they said everything from A to Z. Who can trust anyone after that convoluted mess for people were all over the place?
everyone did what was right in his own eyes
Judges 17:6
There has to be a way to know for sure.
Peter give us wisdom when we encounter so many scattered viewpoints:
Knowing this first,
that no prophecy of Scripture
is of any private interpretation,
1 Peter 1:20
Here is the method the Lord gave to ensure that what we have heard and read about the Eclipse here is indeed what God is truly saying through the event, and how we can know that this is not of anyone's personal opinion.
Time to Triangulate
Triangulation is a way to ensure a proper position by making measurements from three different locations. Think of the cell tower, how it pings to locate a phone. Done from three cell towers, a precise position of that phone can be found.
Likewise, we can therefore utilize the three major signs from the 2024 eclipse and use them to triangulate what God is saying to us. If the message of each sign is focused in a single message, and that message aligns with Scripture then we can be sure we are hearing from the Lord and not someone's personal opinion.
The Three Messages
The Three Signs were:
The Messages which came from each of these signs are as follows:
Each message that was developed from the signs came to this:
For whatever nation that the shadow passes over, there will be Passover.
God is willing to have Mercy on the wicked, even if they deserve judgment, and
The Old Flames of Revival will be revisited upon this nation once again.
Judgment will be passed over because the Tav Mark was painted in shadow and light by God Himself over the center of America.
Though it will make some of His own people mad, God is willing to allow space for the wicked to repent and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
As the eclipse overshadowed the most Spiritual hallowed ground that America has in its history, these flames will "come to light" once more out of the kindness of the One Who made covenant with a 400 year old land.
Though some decry judgment and earthquakes, these three messages - PASSOVER, MERCY, AND REVIVAL - line up Biblically and by themselves as the same message.
Go to the center of the Tav Mark and we see that there is a road with a name we should recognize: Salem Rd.
At the very heart of all of this ado is a the word for "peace."
Is this not even the heavenly message that was decried by the angels to the shepherds on the ground? They watch as something in the sky told them that Jesus was their Savior, setting man right once again with God in heaven.
The message focuses sharply upon the ground, it has been triangulated and confirmed.
This is not any man's opinion, it is strictly the Word of God.
The center point of this message is:
Peace (Salem) and Goodwill from God to man.
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