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What Really Caused of the Scientific Revolution (Post 3/8 - Necessary Evil)

Updated: May 11, 2024

Men like Kepler, Galileo, Newton, and others began to search the Scriptures for their science and to bring glory to God. This brought a unique result but it also had a unique cause.

How was it that these men of science had access to the Bible when that access was controlled by the priests?

The answer was two-fold: The Gutenberg Press and the Protestant Reformation.

The Reformation was responsible in large part for the Scriptures getting in the language of the common person. The controlling Roman Church (what the Protestants were protesting about), did not like this at all as it threatened their power of over the masses.

Now people could read what the Bible said for themselves.

This coincided with the incredible novel invention of the Printing Press, a mass production printer that made rapid copies.

The first book printed was the Bible and it became the most sought after book of all time (still trending as the #1 best seller in history today).

Being able to print copies of the Bible in the common language opened the doors for all walks of life to read for themselves what God said. Scientists launched the Scientific Revolution with this book.

For the first time, God's Word was available at everyone's fingertips.

The Keplers and the Newtons of the age took this opportunity to launch the scientific method, a way of discovering how the thoughts of God worked in the Universe.

Their results were nothing short of astonishing.


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