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The 400 That Stopped World-Wide Slavery

Updated: Apr 8, 2024

Kaskaskia: The city that stopped world wide slavery.

The Total Solar Eclipse crosses over a tip of Southern Illinois known as Little Egypt. Egypt was a land of slavery, and this region of the United States has town names after ancient cities of that empire like Cairo, Thebes, etc.

Just like its namesake of Egypt would enslave the children of Israel for 400 years, it is ironic that Little Egypt had its hand in slavery as well.

Southern Illinois is an area

the Lord is highlighting

When the new state of Illinois was created in 1818, it was declared to be a slave free land, but it was soon apparent that southern Illinois walked to a different beat. In the capital town of Kaskaskia, one out of three persons were slaves. There were people who would fight the rights of any free people from the black culture.

Such is the case of Nance Legins, born in Kaskaskia.

The Slave Auction

Nance was indentured unto the age of 28 to Thomas Cox, but Cox soon lost his fortunes to drinking and the mishandling of business investments. Soon he was divesting assets including his indentured servant, Nance Legins. He sold her contract (slave language for the transfer of human slaves) to a Mr Cromwell for 151.00 in July 1828.

Nance refused to be a part of that transaction, claiming that she was a free person. Legal battles ensued. Mr Cromwell sold his "contract" of Legins to Mr Bailey, whose father-in-law was a conductor of the Underground Railroad for a specified sum larger than the initial 151.00.

A promissory note was signed and Ms. Legins was allowed to live as a free woman, even marrying, until the son of the aforementioned Mr Cromwell sued Mr Bailey for the outstanding sum after the death of his father.

The case was taken to the Illinois Supreme Court, where a young attorney took the case.

Meeting Mr. Lincoln

The case was brought before a young 32 year old man attorney Abraham Lincoln who had just won his fourth term in Illinois Senate. Lincoln was ambivalent toward slavery at this time in his life. He did not like the practice but would not associate himself into the crazy fray of extreme abolitionists.

As a war veteran, he did not care for the way abolitionists burned flags and spoke against the Constitution, yet, after speaking with Ms Legins, he took her case and legally won her freedom.

Nance Legins was the first slave

that Abraham Lincoln freed.

However, because of Nance Legins' case, Lincoln's anti-slavery stance solidified. Because of this pivotable event, Abraham Lincoln would become the champion for ending slavery. I

This case changed his mind. So, after 19 years, he would become president and commander in chief overseeing a war which legally ended slavery in the United States.

It took a life of its own and slavery was subsequently outlawed in the rest of the world.

Moses freed slaves from a nation called Egypt and gave the law to keep them free.

Abraham Lincoln freed slaves from a State that had a region called "Little Egypt" in a nation that held slaves, and gave the law that would allow them to remain as a free people.

Lincoln was Moses for our nation

400 and the End of Slavery

Nance Legins's indentured contract was sold to Thomas Cox and then to Cromwell and finally Bailey. Originally, it was 151.00, but later increased to a larger amount. How much was the final amount that Abraham Lincoln freed her from?

It was 400.00.

Now when the Solar Eclipse is making a Tav mark whose value is 400 by a sun that is 400 times larger that the moon, and a moon that 400 times closer over a land called Little Egypt whose namesake held slaves for 400 years, over a land which just celebrated its 400th birthday (from the signing of the Mayflower Compact), a 400 emerges that legally ended slavery throughout the whole world.

And Nance Legins, the first legally freed slave by Abraham Lincoln, was born in Kaskaskia.


Kaskaskia was the city that ended slavery around the world.

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