What a great series Signs In the Heavens became.
Looking back, let us recap what the series covered and the insights into how God works in the lives of mankind.
Jesus told us to look up.
Why is it important to look up?
Wha is it that the Lord wants us to see?
Is there a sign in the heavens that we need to understand?
We explore this in the post:
When we looked up, we saw that there was a sign in the heavens. It was a star that settled over Bethlehem declaring His arrival.
What was it?
A star? A comet? A planetary convergence?
Or something supernatural?
Did He even need a sign to announce His birth?
And where did the Star of Bethlehem go after it was done with the announcement?
These topics are covered in the two posts:
Where Did the Star of Bethlehem Go?
What is the role of a sign in the heavens anyway?
Do we still see these signs today?
Is God speaking through them to us for our time?
We look at recents signs in the entry:
The Sign of the Blood Moons
What does it mean when the Bible says the sun will go dark?
Is this a Total Solar Eclipse?
Is it a mushroom cloud from a thermonuclear war?
Is it a super volcano cloud that obscures the light of the sun?
This is explored in the post:
What Does it Mean When the Sun Goes Dark?
When there is a Total Solar Eclipse, why does the conversation turn to the Rapture?
Why do people think of the Catching Away when they see an eclipse?
Is there a connection between the two events?
Dig deep into this idea with the post:
There is a biblical story where the heavens stopped. The sun and the moon stayed still for a whole day Scripture declares.
Is this true?
Could this happen?
Was it some other even that we already know of described in the only description that people knew of in their day?
Or was it exactly the same as told to us by Joshua?
Was this a supernatural miracle from God?
Read about this event in the post:
Even weekdays are involved with signs from the heavens.
Each day is linked to a heavenly body.
Why is this?
Does this tell su something about the truth of the Creation Week in Genesis?
Do all cultures link the same days because of what God did in the beginning?
We explore this ancient idea in the post:
One of the most stunning posts in the series is the revelatory understanding of the predictions of Spiritual Moves of God...in the sun. The Coronal Mass Ejection (called CME Events) are solar flares that head toward the earth. Investigate the strange parallel of CME's to spiritual awakenings. How can this be? What does this mean for America?
Explore this topic in:
The word invokes a dark foreboding.
Revelation describes an asteroid type object hat will smash into the earth, causing immense damage.
But wormwood is used in other places in the Bible as well, even in the Old Testament, and it brings a new meaning to the name that many fear.
Read more in:
In the next post about comets, we investigate claims that the star with a tail is a harbinger of doom to the earth.
From the return of the most famous comet in history, Halley's, to the most recent "Devil's Comet," 12/Pons-Brooks that photo-bombed the Total Solar Eclipse in 2024.
Is there any truth that these "dirty snowballs" in the sky give us clues about a dark presence?
Study more in:
Comets: Are They Signs of Trouble?
Does God really speak in the sky through signs?
What did David mean when he said that the heavens declare forth speech?
Is the Universe trying to tell us something?
From recent scientific discoveries that changed the way that mankind thought about how the Universe began, to forcing those who tried to explain the Cosmos without God to admit they were wrong.
We find that Creation testifies about its Creator.
Probe into the information on this fascinating subject in:
The Universe Is Telling Us Something
The last entry into the series was unexpected and yet maybe the most exhilarating.
We have explored how God speaks through Signs in the Heavens but now we find that He also may speak in another way:
the sign of the times.
Jesus famously instructed His disciples of the sign of His coming and the signs of the end times. Can we understand them as well?
We are expected to know what the 'times' are saying, & what to do with them in:
Can I Know the Sign of the Times?
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