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Number 1: Unity

Updated: Apr 21, 2024

The Basic Understanding of One

In all languages, the number one symbolizes unity. Number One is not a Prime number but is the primary number, indivisible and independent. As one writer explains:

As a number, 1 is unique in the fact that it is the only number that can be multiplied or divided by itself and remain unchanged; for instance, when one is divided by one, the answer is one.

1 x 1 = 1

1 / 1 = 1

One excludes all difference

as there is no second

to harmonize or conflict with it.

Additionally, 'One' marks the beginning. The beginning of Creation is found in Genesis 1:1, the first verse in the Bible.


The concept of 'One' also conveys a singleness of purpose. Oneness means the channeling of plurality into unity, the concept that all are of one purpose. For example in marriage, the two shall become one, and in the Trinity where three are one. A hand is five fingers, but one hand, A person has a body, soul and spirit but is one person. There are many people in a county, but they are one family, or nation.

One is the Source of All Other Numbers.

No number exists without being able to be derived into the a series of ones (1). For example, three (3) can be expressed as 3=2+1. There is no number that cannot be divisible, or expressed in a relationship to the number one (1).


To be number one (1) is a place of honor. We call it the first place, or the winner. Other names are conqueror, victor, overcomer. It also speaks of the one who will gain the reward.


Verses About One

In Deuteronomy 6:4-5, The Shema affirms God’s singularity. It is considered the most essential prayer in Judaism. The Shema is recited daily at the climax of the final prayer of Yom Kippur. It is also traditionally recited as the last words before death.

The word Shema means 'hear' or 'listen'.

Hear, O Israel:

The LORD our God, the LORD is one

Deuteronomy 6:4


One God

Ephesians Chapter 4 highlights the unity based on seven unalterable, absolute truths. Paul lists these truths as seven elements uniting believers in the body of Christ. This Christian unity is known as The Seven One's. It emphasizes that each believer is part of a universal family in Jesus Christ. The text underscores the interconnectedness of believers in Christ through these unifying elements.

one Lord, one faith, one baptism.

Ephesians 4:5

This series of "ones" continues for three verses (verses 4-6),

  1. There is one body

  2. one Spirit,

  3. one hope of your calling;

  4. one Lord

  5. one faith,

  6. one baptism

  7. one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

a Trinitarian declaration of oneness, ending with a trinitarian description of God Himself.

  1. who is above all

  2. through all

  3. in you all

One (1) is obviously used throughout the Bible to indicate one thing only, God Himself.

“The one true God.”

The number one Commandment is “Thou shalt have no other gods besides me.”


One in the Bible

The word one is mentioned 1234 times in the Bible when we count them.

During the Creation Week, God said,

“Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place,"

Genesis 1:9

The first letter in the Hebrew alphabet is Aleph, it is Alpha in Greek.

The Law of First Mention

The first time a word or phrase appears in Scripture is important. The first mention often establishes a precedent, pattern, or biblical concept that occurs throughout the rest of the Bible. According to the law of first mention, to comprehend a word or doctrine, one should study the first place it appears in Scripture. This principle is based on the initial mention in the Bible which provides the simplest and clearest presentation of a concept.

The law of first mention underscores

the significance of a concept

from its original revelation.

Genesis 4:10 is when God asks Cain, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.” Based on this first mention of blood, we conclude that blood equals human life. We see the meaning is consistently portrayed throughout Scripture as when in Genesis 9:6 requires justice from the blood (or life) of murders.

Words that show up only once in Scripture: (KJV)

First Things

Next Post: Number 2: Covenant/Division

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