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How God Spoke the Universe Into Existence (Post 4 of 6 - The Signature of God)

Updated: May 20, 2024

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Did you see the Northern Lights as far south as Florida over this past weekend?

Millions of people who normally cannot see the Northern Lights got their chance this past weekend when a series of Coronal Mass Ejection events (CMEs) flared up from solar region 3664 (note the Biblical Number 64).

We have been experiencing a geomagnetic storm over the past few days and the aurora, aka the "northern lights" could be seen in regions far south of their usual range.

It always leaves us breathless at the splendor in the heavens, especially when we realize that the CME has a shadow of a spiritual truth. CMEs are forerunners of spiritual awakenings (see the chart here.)

We are awash in the work of the Creator in His marvelous Creation.

We need to understand that the Universe is the work of His hands and how marvelous that is.


When we look up at the starry heavens, it appears to us that we stand beneath a canopy of velvet sparkled with jewels vying for our attention. The sight is awe inspiring to say the least.

We call it the Outer Space, or the Universe. The term 'Universe' is derived from the French, through the Latin, but different cultures had different names that they used to describe what they were seeing.

The Greeks called it the kosmos (1).

The Hebrew word for the heavens was yekum (2), meaning 'substance, existence,' currently used for 'world, or universe.'

The Hebrew word used for heavens in Scripture is shamayim (3).

But the one we are most familiar with is the English word 'Universe.' It is comes from the Latin universus, meaning 'combined into one (4).'

The term Universe first was used in the 14th century, although Cicero originally used the Latin term (5).

  • Uni = One as in unity or unified.

  • Verse = Word, or stanza as in a song or poem.

Thus the word Universe can be translated as One Word. We can think of it as 'one sentence,' 'one line,' or 'one song.'

Genesis reveal that God spoke the Universe into existence.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1

In Scripture, Paul tells us that the worlds were created by the word of God.

By faith we understand t

hat the worlds were framed by the word of God..

Hebrews 11:3


In the Genesis account, God spoke ten times creating the Universe, and all that is contained within it.

From the Genesis account.

  1. 1:3 - "And God said..." - Light

  2. 1:6 - "And God said..." - Waters

  3. 1:9 - "And God said..." - Land

  4. 1:11 - "And God said..."- Plants

  5. 1:14 - "And God said..." - Sun, Moon & Stars

  6. 1:20 - "And God said..." - Sea Creatures

  7. 1:24 - "And God said..." - Animals, Birds

  8. 1:26 - "And God said..." - Man

  9. 1:28 - "And God said..." - Be Fruitful

  10. 1:29 - "And God said..." - I have given...

Compare the fact that not only did God spoke 10 times to create the Universe, and that also God spoke 10 times to give us the Ten Commandments.

In Jewish tradition, the Ten Commandments are knowns as the Ten Words, or Ten Dabar. These 10 words are the laws of government upon which all societies' system of rule are based. Ten words to create the 'physical realm,' ten words to establish governmental rule.'

This post ponders the ten words of creation compared side by side with the ten commandments.

This revelation is what lead the Jewish scribe, Nachmanides, to suggest something revelatory back in the 12th century AD. He had the realization that there are 10 dimensions, but he did this from reading the Bible. He came to this conclusion because He reasoned that when God spoke 10 times, a new dimensional plane was created.

This video shows Chuck Missler introducing the 10-dimensional concept from a physicists point of view.

Theoretical concepts of "superstrings," or String Theory, suggests similar possibilities.

String Theory opens up a world of 10 dimensions, with some curled up at a microscopic level and some "big" dimensions that we perceive as "real."

In an attempt to explain in one Unified Field Theory of Everything how Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity and Max Planc's Quantum Theory can play nice with one another in our Universe, scientists may have stumbled on something sublime.

When they tried to tie multiple theories into one explanation, it revealed a pattern. Men are trying to do what God has already done. Just as they are trying to have one theory explain all theories, all of God's works are explained in One Word, or the Universe.

The Lord spoke the Universe into existence.

It is literally the One Word, or the Universe made by God.

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