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Has The Bible Ever Corrected Science? (Post 2 of 6 - The Signature of God)


Updated: May 20, 2024

In this post:


The answer is no, at least not concerning pure science. The reason is that "pure" science, that is scientific "data," always aligns with Scripture; however, the Bible has often corrected the scientific theories of men. If not always instituted a correction of thought, but has been consistently proclaiming truth until men's thoughts came back into alignment with the information revealed in Scripture.

The Bible is a lighthouse to the stormy paths of men's scientific ideas.


the past 200 years, like in the Garden, man has once again tried to gain knowledge without God. This godless pursuit results in transforming brilliant minds into darkened foolish thinkers. Dark minds produce burdens for at least part of the people in what they conceive. They never come with a solution that helps all people all the time. It is only through the knowledge of the Lord where lasting and beneficial knowledge can be discovered for all men.

Darkened debates give rise to the misconception that Science and the Bible are in conflict.

The truth is that both

are in perfect harmony.

The God Who inspired men to write the Bible, also created the physical world around us. Where the "conflict" supposedly arises is that the Bile does not address every technical issue of design within its text however...

Scripture summarizes the overall concepts we find in Creation.

“If these things are not found in the Bible, where are we to find them ? — In nature, of course. It is nature's work to show forth facts.”

The Universe is God’s encyclopedia of knowledge.

“Truth is conformity to fact, and fact is conformity to truth. The Bible is ''the truth," and nature consists of facts; and so there is perfect conformity between the Bible and nature. The facts of nature illustrate the truth of the Bible, and the Bible guides us in our contemplation of nature.

Thus each (the Bible and Nature) illuminates the other.”

Lucas Albert Reid 1919

The idea that the Bible and science are in conflict is a myth created by atheist spin doctors who generate "theories" that are contrary to the Bible. If they did not "doctor" the interpretation of the facts, everyone would see how much the two line up with each other.


If there is no conflict, then why do we believe that the two are opposite? Science, that is pure data, is not against what is in Scripture because how can the Creator be in conflict with His Creation?

“Thus there are two fields of knowledge,— one for revelation, the other for science. There should be no conflict between them.

Let us review a few examples where the Bible was stedfast and correct while man had to adjust his ideas after more was learned. In the end, they had to match what was in Scripture, or discovered later what the Bible revealed thousands of years earlier.


In fact, the Bible teaches us what we see in nature.

Men once believed the earth was flat but Scripture always taught otherwise. Intrepid explorers like Columbus were able to stretch the boundaries. Once others like Magellan sailed around the globe (and did not fall off an edge) the matter settled itself.

The Bible was right even though men thought otherwise.

But not only in one place but in two did God declare that the earth was round; in fact, not only round, but a sphere.

The prophet Isaiah is known as the "Shakespeare" of Scripture (1). He had more grasp of his language than any other biblical writer (2). Isaiah is quoted more than twice as much as any other major prophet and more than all of the minor prophets combined. (3).

The book’s significance and sheer eloquence simply cannot be overstated.

This walking thesaurus of a prophet write of the earth:

It is He who sits above the circle  (hug) of the earth...

Isaiah 40:22

The Hebrew word Isaiah used for "circle" is hug (Strongs H2329), also chug, does not mean “sphere” but rather refers to a circle or sometimes a dome (4). Isiah was telling that the earth is a sphere, which is what we call it today, "a globe."

Job, the oldest chronological book in the Bible, also states the following:

He drew a circular  (hug) horizon on the face of the waters,

at the boundary of light and darkness.

Job 26:10

Instead of circle, the King James Version uses the English phrase to say, "encompassed," but the Hebrew word used again here is chug, or hug, which means a sphere.

Further, Solomon wrote of wisdom that was with the Lord when He created the earth. This is what he put in Scriptural record.

When He prepared the heavens, I was there,

When He drew a circle (hug) on the face of the deep,

Proverbs 8:27

What word did Solomon used in this verse? Of course, he used, chug, or hug.

The Bible clearly speaks of the earth as a sphere.


But, as a prophet, Isaiah was able to see the earth is a circle. Also Job understood truth about something of which men had a wrong concept.

In prior days men believed the earth sat upon an object: a person, an animal, etc.

According to Hindu beliefs, the earth rests on the back of four elephant who in turn are standing on a giant turtle.

The Greeks believed that Atlas held up the world on his back.

However, in the oldest chronological book of the Bible, Job write that the earth hangs upon nothing.

He stretches out the north

over empty space;

He hangs the earth on nothing.

Job 26:7

Job saw that he earth hung in space upon nothing. There were no elephants, frogs, turtles or even Greek semi-gods holding up the earth.

God upholds the worlds by His word.

Who ... upholding all things by the word of His power, …

Hebrews 1:3

Job further confirmed the circle of the earth. The Lord showed him the limb of the planet hanging in space upon nothing.

He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters,

At the boundary of light and darkness.

Job 26:10


He stretches out the north

over empty space;

He hangs the earth on nothing.

Job 26:7

Job saw a vast empty space. He understood it was in the northward direction. Guess what scientists found in 2007? A vast empty space stretched out of the north measuring 330 million light years across (5).

The Boötes Void is referred to as the Great Nothing (6), and it is located 700 light years away from earth (7), and is one of the largest, earning it the title of ‘supervoid’ (8)

And yet, in the chronically oldest book in the Bible it is listed. How can that be?


Seeing the Sea Floor 1800 Years Before Sonar

Per the website:

About two thirds of the Earth's surface lies beneath the oceans.

Before the 19th century, the depths of the open ocean were largely a matter of speculation, and most people thought that the ocean floor was relatively flat and featureless (1) like a lake bed.

However, as early as the 16th century, a few intrepid navigators, by taking soundings with hand lines, found that the open ocean can differ considerably in depth, showing that the ocean floor was not as flat as generally believed (9).

Once scientists were able to map the ocean floor, they discovered something surprising. The bottom of the ocean was not a flat, sandy plain stretching between the continents, as many people once thought.

By the 19th Century, men began to have a pretty good idea that the oceans were not flat, and according to, most people still thought the sea floor was relatively smooth and featureless, even into the 1940s (10). However, by the 1950s, major underwater mountain ranges were discovered (11).

When maps of the sea floor began to emerge in the 1960s, they revealed a very rich structure of the ocean floor.

Therefore, not all, but most largely believed in a featureless ocean bottom well into the 18th and 19th centuries.

However, in the book of Jonah which dates back to the 8th Century BC, the runaway prophet was aboard a sefina, a sea-faring merchant vessel that ran into a fierce storm. Today that tempest is known of today as the Euroclydon, the same one by which the Apostle Paul was shipwrecked. It is mentioned in the novel Moby Dick, and Rudyard Kipling' "The Roman Centurion's Song." Not only chronicled by Kipling but also by the famous poet Longfellow.

The Euroclydon was know to sink massive ships, and the vessel that Jonah was on was no match for the storm's fury. He was thrown overboard and the storm stopped. But Jonah soon sank to the bottom of the sea.

The waters surrounded me, even to my soul;

the deep closed around me; weeds were wrapped around my head.

I went down to the moorings of the mountains;

the earth with its bars closed behind me forever;

yet You have brought up my life from the pit, O Lord, my God.

Jonah 2:5-6

Jonah was talking about mountains on the what he saw on the bottom of the sea.

1800 years before scientists and sonar systems mapped the ocean floor; Jonah recorded that he saw the place where mountains start, and it is recorded in the Bible.


The Bible is full of correct knowledge.

In fact, it may shock some to hear this next statement:

Over the centuries Scripture has been rigorously tested for scientific accuracy, and the Bible has never failed (12).


Here are some claims that the Bible has made (even if they were disputed at first):

  • The universe had a beginning.

    • rejected for almost two thousand years, now astronomers beleive the Universe had a beginning.

  • All humans are “one blood” descended from one man and one woman.

    • Some nineteenth-century biologists argued that different races descended from lower animals, but today genetics has verified that there is only one human race.

  • God created animals “after their kind.

    • Nineteenth-century biologists argued that animals evolved from other, very different animals, but today biology confirms that creatures reproduce within their own kind.

  • God destroyed the earth and the creatures inhabiting it in the worldwide Flood.

    • Nineteenth-century geologists argued that rock layers and the fossils found in them were formed as sediments were deposited slowly, but today geology confirms that many rock layers were deposited catastrophically, burying fossils within only minutes or hours.

  • Stars are innumerable

    • Now we know that stars are the most numerous object in the Universe.

  • Water cycle

    • Solomon explained how the water cycle works around 1500 BC

  • Blood Circulation

    • As explained in Leviticus 17:11

  • Sea Currents

    • Listed in the Psalms, was discovered in the 19th Century.

The Bible is not full of precise technical knowledge of the Universe but it does state clear facts. Likewise, nature shows us the invisible nature of God.

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