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From Heaven To Earth (Post 6 – the Image of God)

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Heaven has the answers to earth's problems.

The problem is how to get to those solutions.

If God does not speak audibly (at least most of the time) in the physical world, then how does He communicate to the people of the earth? What mechanism, method, or pathway does He talk to His people? We have the written word, the Bible, but how did it come to be? Scriptures declare that they were divinely inspired.

How does that happen?

God does not physically come beside us and dictate what He wants written nor does He walk long the sidewalk with us and have an audible conversation that others can hear. He is not making appearances on international TV nor does He have a weekly radio show or even a podcast.

We need to hear from heaven, but how does that process work?


The key to understanding anything is how God communicates to us by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said that we should be looking forward to when the Spirit of God descended into the world after He returned to heaven.

Nevertheless I tell you the truth.

It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away,

the Helper (Parakletos, Comforter, Holy Spirit) will not come to you;

but if I depart, I will send Him to you.

John 16:7

Jesus also said that the Holy Spirit will talk with us.

However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come,

He will guide you into all truth;

for He will not speak on His own authority,

but whatever He hears He will speak;

and He will tell you things to come.

John 16:13

The Holy Spirit, then, is the communicator of things from heaven to the people of the earth. It is an advantage, it is expedient, that He comes. And He did. What we need is now in place.

We need a Spirit-to-spirit connection.

For a person to receive knowledge from the Holy Spirit who speaks from heaven, we need to be able to receive in the format that God is speaking.

We have to understand God's format.

For example, if a if someone speaks Spanish and and another English, then it is difficult to communicate unless there is an interpreter who knows both languages and can translate words from one language to another.

It would be even more efficient if the two spoke the same language.

Paul writes,

But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God,

for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them,

because they are spiritually discerned.

1 Corinthians 2:14

The point is made clear. The Holy Spirit speaks in a spiritual language, and neither our physical brain nor our soulish mind can understand Him when He disseminates information form heaven. That is why we need a spirit, so that we can "spiritually discern" what the Holy Spirit is spiritually saying.

Our spirit and God's Spirit speak the same language.

This is why Jesus said that we need to be born of the Spirit.

Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you,

unless one is born of water and the Spirit,

he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

That which is born of the flesh is flesh,

and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

John 3:5-6

In the Garden, when Adam sinned, we lost our spiritual connection to God which separated us from hearing heaven's voice.

When Christ died and rose again, He made the way for us to be "born-again," which means that our spiritual connection was regenerated.

When we received Jesus as Lord And Savior, we are born again spiritually, and now can hear the voice of the Spirit as He is speaking His spiritual language.

We must have a spirit to understand spiritual words.

Our spirit hears God Spirit and that is where the bridge between the spiritual and the physical is made.

But there is still more to understand about how the Father speaks to a physical realm.


There is a connection form the heart of the Father to the earth. It happens like this:

The heavenly realm - The Father - The Son - The Holy Spirit - our spirit - our soul - our physical body - the physical realm

The Father is on the throne in heaven. From there, all creation and heaven alike are ruled. The Father is the Most High.

It is from the heart of the Father that commands, decrees, and ideas are issued.

But the Son speaks or does what He sees the Father say or do.

Then Jesus answered and said to them, “

Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself,

but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does,

the Son also does in like manner.

John 5:19

When the Father issues forth from His heart, the Son speaks. The Son is the Word, as identified in John 1:1-2,14. Therefore, when the Father generated an issuance from His heart, or the heart of the throne, Jesus speaks it, for he is the Word.

The Holy Spirit then takes what is of the Father's and the Son's, and makes it known to the world. He is the bridge between two worlds, heaven and earth. He is the Parakletos, the Comforter, the Teacher, the Interpreter.

but whatever He hears He will speak;

and He will tell you things to come.

John 16:13


When the Son sees the Father make a decree from His throne, the Son declares it as a Word. This Word is then heard by the Holy Spirit, Who in turn, sends it to the earth in spiritual language.

Now, if a person has a regenerated spirit, from being born again, then he can spiritually discern from the Spirit of God what the Father has spoken.

There are examples of this.

Now the Spirit expressly says

that in latter times some will depart from the faith,

giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,

1 Titus 4:1

Jesus says that those who are His, those who are born again with a regenerated spiritual connection, will hear His voice, because the Spirit of God will send it to them.

My sheep hear My voice,

and I know them, and they follow Me.

John 10:27

Once we have received from her Holy Spirit, we can hear spiritual words in our own spirit. Sometimes we say, "I don't know how I know this, I just do." That is a reference to a spiritual download from the Holy Spirit to our own spirit. We just received a data dump of information that needs to be processed.

Since the human spirit and the human soul are directly connected, the spiritually discerned words from heaven are then sent to our intellect, or mind, for pondering.

It is in the mind that we ponder, think, and consider. It is here that we reason and can understand.

But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.

Luke 2:19


Come now, and let us reason together,”

Says the Lord,

Isaiah 1:18


Listen to this, O Job;

Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.

Job 37:14.

Often the complaint against Christianity is that we have to received things by blind faith.

We are challenged that we must disengage our brain to believe in a Jesus story. But look how many times the Lord says to ponder, reason, or consider. Those are actions of the mind. God wants us to use our intellect, not shut it down.

From our mind, combined with our emotions, we chose to release or not release what we have received.

Our choice is our will, also a part of our soul.

Our soul is our mind/intellect, emotions and will which is our processing center. It is now processing the data of the spiritual realm passed on to us by our regenerated spiritual connection.

Once we have made the choice to release what the Hoy Spirit has sent us from heaven, then we speak it. We use our physical mouths to declare the word of the Lord. Therefore, we physically relase the word that came from the Father's heart in the the earth.

That is the process from the throne of God to the dirt of the this world.

The Father decrees from the throne- The Son speaks the Word - the Holy Spirit hears the Father and the Son and speaks it to the spirit of a man who then ponders it intellectually and emotionally, and choices to release it through physical speech by word of mouth or wrritten page.


  • SON


  • human spirit

  • human soul

  • human mouth/hand (spoken or written).


We can create a cycle of learning and of ever increasing faith.

A man receives by hearing.

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Roman 10:17

If we hear a word from the Spirit of God out of heaven, we receive it in our human spirit.

Once we have it in our spirit, it soaks into our soul. Here in the soul, we ponder it until we speak it out in to the world.

Our ears hear the word of God and we are encouraged.

Our ears hear it and this action produces faith.

What is heard is pushed down into the soul where we ponder it even more until we once again speak it out loud.

There our ears hear it one more time, which brings the world back into our minds to consider yet again, only to be released out in to the world once more. Each time increases the faith as we hear the Word fo God over and over.

In this we become an everlasting generator, making this cycle of faith the only perpetual motion mechanism which exists in the natural world.

Next Post: #7: The Bad Man Hypothesis

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