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The year was 1859, and the earth faced a solar storm. It foretold of a spiritual revival.
This particular event is known as the Carrington Event and was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history (1). It took place at the beginning of September 1859, just a few months before the solar maximum of 1860, the end of the 11-year solar cycle.
On Sep. 1, as Carrington was sketching the sunspots, he was blinded by a sudden flash of light (2). It lasted for about 5 minutes.
Richard Carrington had just witnessed a unique solar feature that makes the earth tremble.
In 17.6 hours, the CME traversed over 90 million miles (150 million km) between the sun and Earth and unleashed its force on our planet (3).
It reached the earth faster than any on record.
Herein lies a mystery.
At the end of every solar cycle, the sun reaches its solar maximum where the most sunspots and potential Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are formed. This occurs because the sun flips its magnetic poles roughly every 11-years.
In 1859, the Carrington CME Event revealed a pattern.
That same year was the Revival of 1859 in Great Britain. The American version of hat revival was in full swing in 1858, the prior year but both had roots from 1855.
Astoundingly, the geomagnetic storm cycle that generated this powerful solar storm was in a date range from 1855-1867.
These coinciding dates seemed to indicate a pattern.
Was this an isolated coincidence or could there be a connection between a CME Event and a move of God on the earth?
During a geomagnetic storm cycle, at solar max (in the 11-year cycle), a Coronal Mass Ejection event may take place. A CME is a release of plasma and a magnetic field from the solar corona when there is a certain grouping of sunspots in the sun’s 11-year solar cycle.
If such a release reaches the earth by the Solar Wind, it becomes a shockwave of traveling mass which releases power in earth's upper atmosphere.
This has so many prophetic overtones it is stunning.
Virtually every word of the CME's scientific explanation is parallel of what is in the Bible. Consider the event's name: Coronal Mass Ejection.
To start with, the sun's Corona is its atmosphere.
Corona is a Latin word meaning "crown."
To follow, Mass, the second term in CME's title, can refer to a large volume or amount, but also can be a church service.
And, Ejection means "to send out."
To recap: A crown is for a "king," a mass is a lot of something, possibly "believers," and ejection means being "sent out."
In addition, the Solar Wind is congruous of the Holy Spirit.
Is this “King” Jesus, sending out a mass (gathering) of empowered believers by the working of the Holy Spirit? A Coronal Mass Ejection Event? And could this similar language have been used for an event like a Revival or an Awakening?
Considering that the dates of the Carrington CME was the same date as the Great Revival of Britain in 1859, can we connect other spiritual revivals to CMEs that occurred throughout history?
Only four solar storms are recorded starting from the Carrington Event in 1859 to the early 1920’s; These dates are 1859, 1882, 1909, and 1921.
Since there was a revival during the CME of 1859, were there also revivals at the same time as the remaining three years?
If we use a search engine to type "revival" and the "year of the solar storms," something astounding happens.
For example, searching the following terms:
Revival 1882,
Revival 1909,
Revival 1921
We find that each year of a CME, there was also a significant revival.
Let’s look at each one:
1859 –
was the most intense and widespread revival, happening everywhere at once, just as the solar storm of 1859 was considered the most intense.
It produced the church lay worker and push for missionaries.
Finney was a key evangelist during this time.
1882 –
this is the Revival that famed D.L. Moody was involved in
It went worldwide.
1909 –
a year of a solar storm from a geomagnetic cycle,
saw the Azusa Street revival, which began on
The revival began in 1906 and ran through 1915.
1921 –
Is called the Forgotten Revival,
or the Fisherman’s Revival and
the Last English Revival;
it was also a solar storm.
Each one of these revivals was documented to occur when they did, and they also occurred the same year associated with a solar storm.
Solar storms are infrequent so these coincidences stand out.
Before and after this the already reviewed CME and Revival Date Comparisons, there were other significant crossing of these events.
Solar Storm 1770
First Great Awakening
Solar Storm 1956
Peak of the Tent Revivals
Solar Storm 1957
Decline of decade-long Tent Revival impact,
though would carry for another decade or so.
Solar Storm 1967
Charismatic Revival
Solar Storm of August 1972
the Jesus People Movement,
the height of attention of the movement was June 1972 at the Explo ’72 event
featuring a gathering of 100,000 where Billy Graham preached.
The CME not only happened that same year, it happened within 45 days.
It is interesting to note that there was a solar storm 4/11/2001, 5 months to the day of 9/11/2001.
This is when there was a brief spiritual interest in America that lasted one a couple of months at best.
If we project back further in time, there was a projected Solar Storm occurring around 774-775 BC just before the famed Nineveh Total Solar Eclipse, the year when Jonah preached the world's greatest revival in the city.
After reviewing the evidence, it becomes quite clear that the sun which represents the Son of God, the light of the world, sends forth a forecaster of revival moves upon the earth in the form of CMEs.
Major solar storms in recorded throughout history (verified at least back 1755), indicate that a great move of God was released upon the earth. It is uncanny, but accurate.
Here is what we conclude.
The Solar Storm is a sign of a coming revival.
Next Post: Wormwood: Shaking Judgment From the Heavens
Other Posts In This Series:
Where Did the Star of Bethlehem Go?
What Does it Mean When the Sun Goes Dark?
The Sign of the Blood Moons
Why Do People Think of the Rapture When There Is a Total Solar Eclipse?
Do CME Events Prophecy Spiritual Revival on the Earth?
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