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Comets: Are They Signs of Trouble? (Post 11 of Signs in the Heavens)

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Comets have inspired fear and dread in many different cultures throughout time.

They have been garnered such titles as "the Harbinger of Doom" and "the Menace of the Universe," being regarded as omens of disaster.

For example, French astronomer Camille Flammarion caused a panic in 1910 when he claimed that the gases in the tail of Halley's Comet would extinguish all life on Earth (a claim which may have inspired The Poison Belt by Conan Arthur Doyle). Both Flammarion and Doyle were spiritualists, men who sought spiritual experiences without God.

Science has removed

the stigma of the comet.

We now understand these harbingers of doom are really just "dirty snowballs,"a modern nickname given to them since they are merely a combination of ice, dust, rock, and other organic compounds.

Yet, slivers of truth remain in the old myths, they say, and so it does with the comet. What truths were prior generations trying to tell us?


The Universe is a display by the Creator Who singed the work of His hands. he left indications in creation to help us understand him and the things we cannot see.

For since the creation of the world

His invisible attributes are clearly seen,

being understood by the things that are made,

even His eternal power and Godhead,

so that they are without excuse.

Romans 1:20

Also, the things in this Universe are a shadow of things in the spiritual.

These are a shadow of the things that were to come;

the reality, however, is found in Christ.

Colossians 2:17

If the physical Universe is a shadow of a reality, that Creation (that which we see) illustrates the spiritual realm (that which we do not see), then of what is the shadow of a comet? To what is this "dirty snowball" pointing us?

We understand that the earth represents humanity since the earth was made for man, and this is the world where mankind lives. That one is easy. All references of the earth point to humanity.

Another one is the sun. It is the light of the world and the life of the world.

We have day because of our local star, the sun, and by the sun we have photosynthesis, which also produces green oxygenating plants on the earth that help us live.

It drives weather, ocean currents, seasons, and climate. Without the sun's heat and light, life on Earth would not exist.

Jesus said the following about Himself:

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying,

“I am the light of the world.

He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness,

but have the light of life.

John 8:12

So if the earth is easily understood as a physical shadow of man, and the sun as a physical shadow of Jesus, the Son of God, then what or who does the comet foreshadow?


The reason that the comet is associated with fear is that it foreshadows one from whom fear emanates.

The comet's shadow should become all too familiar to us in this world.

Looking at the characteristics of a comet will help us identify its spiritual reality.

Here are the characteristics of the comet:

  • A comet has an icy body

  • It is considered "dirty"

  • It is coated with dark organic material

  • It carries elements harmful to human life

  • It has "gas" connections

  • It has a tail

  • The tail is only revealed as it approaches the sun.

  • Its approach can threaten the earth.

These are just a few of the elements that we think of when a comet is mentioned.

To interpret:

  • Ice is an opposite of God, an antichrist spirit.

  • Dirty means evil

  • Dark organic material is another indicator that it refers to evil

  • Comet bring death

  • Tails can mean - not as in a tail on a cartoon image of the devil - but a lie, a tale, or a lie told as a truth.

  • When the comet approaches the earth, we wonder if this is the time it will kill people?

What spiritual entity do these characteristics foreshadow from the Bible?

  • Who is antichrist?

  • Who is cold toward God?

  • Who works in the darkness covered by darkness?

  • Who brings death?

  • Who is the father of lies?

  • Who will kill people when the time comes?

These factors fit only one being: Satan, Lucifer, that old serpent, that we call the devil.


During the recent Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024, a harbinger tagged along for the big show. It was comet 12P/Pons-Brooks which was flying by for photo bomb.

12P/Pons-Brooks made a big splash in the news when it had a heated ejection that caused it to grow brighter by 100 times, making it a sudden object of interest. The approaching comet underwent an outburst on July 20, 2024, kicking it from nearly 17th magnitude up to 12th magnitude (2).

Then this happened.

It grew horns.

Ejections on opposite sides of the nucleus made it appear to grow devil horns and that is how it gained a name: "the devil comet."

The Devil Comet is short-period comet that orbits the Sun once every 71.2 years, similar to the famous Halley’s Comet (3). Astronomers measured the comet (10.5 miles in size) to be about twice the size of Mount Everest (just over 5 miles tall).

The last time the devil comet visited the earth was in 1954, the year Bill Halley & the Comets released "Rock Around the Clock."

After the horns disappeared, astronomers have dubbed the "Mother of Dragons." What ominous names given to a supposedly ambivalent flyer.

But here was the surprise, the 71-year periodic comet was going to visible during the Total Solar Eclipse in April 2024. It was going to reveal itself when God was giving America a sign.


The most famous of all comets is Halley's, a period visitor to the earth, making a pass every 75 years.

It was the first comet to have its "period of revolution" established.

Most recently, it visited in 1986.

Its next visit is in 2061.

It is by Halley's Comet that we know these "dirty snowballs" return in an orbital path.

Halley's most well-known appearance occurred shortly before the 1066 invasion of England by William the Conquerer. It is said that William felt the comet heralded his success. In any case, the comet was put on the Bayeux Tapestry – which chronicles the invasion – in William's honor.

Comets orbit at exaggerated angles around the sun. Halley's comet always approaches the sun from an orbit underneath the plane of the ecliptic. It comes from below. That in itself is an odd bit of news considering that the devil, the beast, the false prophet, and the fallen angels who sinned against women are kept in the Abyss.

However, the comet Halley is dazzling.

“The Comet of 1813 was so brilliant that it could be seen in the full light of day.”

Compare this to 2 Corinthians 4:4

Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those (men)

who don't believe.

Comets come and go.

And when the devil had ended all the temptation,

he departed from him for a season.

Luke 4:13


An interesting occurrence is in the life of Mark Twain. In 1909, writer Mark Twain said in 1909,

"I came in with Halley's Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it."

Twain died on April 21, 1910, one day after perihelion, when the comet emerged from the far side of the sun.


Next Post: The Universe Is Telling Us Something

Other Posts In This Series:

  1. Why Does Jesus Tell Us To Look Up?

  2. Did Jesus Need the Star of Bethlehem?

  3. Where Did the Star of Bethlehem Go?

  4. What Does it Mean When the Sun Goes Dark?

  5. The Sign of the Blood Moons

  6. Why Do People Think of the Rapture When There Is a Total Solar Eclipse?

  7. Did the Sun Stand Still For a Whole Day?

  8. The Sign of the Week Days

  9. Do CME Events Prophecy Spiritual Revival on the Earth?

  10. Wormwood: Shaking Judgment From the Heavens

Series: Signs In the Heavens


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