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#8: 21 in Science and Math


The number twenty-one is found throughout Scripture, and when God uses it, He communicates invaluable truths. But how many of us realize that twenty-one also plays some very vital roles in the maintenance of our bodies and in the structure of Creation itself? It is a fundamental player in the building blocks of the natural world. Read on.

Amino Acids

These are the building blocks for proteins, hormones neurotransmitters. Amino acids can enhance athletic performance or improve moods, and they are compounds.

Mostly found in meat, eggs, and poultry. Amino acids help build muscle and regulate immune functions. Of the twenty-one, only nine are essential commonly. The remainder of the twenty-one is necessary in times of stress or illness. Essential amino acids are at the core of many vital processes.

There are twenty-one amino-acids.

New Seasons

Many of us are excited about the change of new seasons and the hope each one brings. But do we realize that most new seasons begin on or around the 21st?

The number twenty-one rules the changes Of almost every season on the calendar.

For example, March 20 or 21 is the Spring Equinox. This is where Spring begins and day & night are equal lengths.

The next season also is near the 21st, as June 20 or 21 is the Summer Solstice. Here Summer begins when the Sun is farthest north of the Equator. December 21 or 22 is Winter Solstice. Winter begins when the Sun is farthest south of the Equator.

21 – A Golden Number

The ancient Greeks discovered the Golden Ratio, which measured beauty in design. This measurement was found in nature, in the human form, and in mathematics.

Later, a mathematician nicknamed Fibonacci found a numeric expression that described the Golden Ratio, with a sequence of integers aptly named ‘Fibonacci numbers.’ This sequence has astounded researchers for over half a millennium, having applications from galaxies to the subatomic level, providing strong evidence that a Designer made the universe.

21 happens to be one of these rare Fibonacci numbers; it is the eighth where eight denotes a new beginning. It is a number that defines a portion of Creation.

A “Prime” Example

In mathematical theory, there are a set of numbers that have baffled and excited humankind for millennia: Primes.

These numbers are divisible only by one and themselves, for they have no other factors, consequentially making them the building blocks of all other numbers that exist. Primes plotted out on polar coordinates generate familiar shapes of the above-mentioned Golden Ratio, showing they are connected.

So why discuss this with the number twenty-one since it is not Prime? Remember, Primes are essential building blocks much like the amino acids above, and in the Prime Sequence, there are twenty-one two-digit primes numbers under 100. It is a constant factor of the structure in mathematics and, therefore, of Creation’s form.

Twenty-one makes its presence known when some is being made because it is fundamental. It is a number to show where something is being established.

Twenty-One is a building block in the natural and super-natural world.

It’s time to build something new.

“This is the 21st year!”

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