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#17 – The Prosperity of 21

Discovery in the 21st Mention

The number twenty-one has another unique association: Prosperity.

Israel and 21

As when we look at the 21st time, Israel appears, Genesis 47:27 mentions,

Now Israel lived in the land of Egypt in Goshen, and they acquired property in it And were fruitful and became very numerous.

Note how this 21st mention portrays a time of prosperity and fruitfulness rather than distress. This example is of particular interest because it combines fruitfulness with being in Egypt. It deals with fruitfulness because of the name Israel. But it is a time in Egypt, which created a mixed situation of both pain and joy.

Joseph and 21

We know that Joseph’s sons were given the name Israel (Gen. 48:16). The 21st time Joseph is mentioned is in Gen. 39:2,

And the Lord was with Joseph, So he became a successful man. And he was in the house of his master, The Egyptian.

Here we see the same type of contrast. Joseph was in bondage in Egypt, but he was also “a successful man,” prospering amid distress.

Joshua and 21

The 21st time Joshua is mentioned is in Deut. 31:3, where Moses told the people of Israel that Joshua would be leading them into the Promised Land:

It is the Lord your God who will cross ahead of you; He will destroy these nations before you, And you shall dispossess them. Joshua is the one who will cross ahead of you, Just as the Lord has spoken.

Joseph had his dreams at the age of 17 (Gen. 37:2), which infuriated his brothers. The book of Jasher tells us that he was sold into Egypt shortly afterward at 18. The Bible tells us that Joseph was 30 when he became Prime Minister of Egypt under Pharaoh (Gen. 41:46) after interpreting his dreams. There were then seven years of plenty, which ended when Joseph was 37 years of age. Then in the second year of famine, when Joseph was 39, he revealed his identity to his brothers and father.

Joseph was 18 when he was sold into Egypt (Jacob presumed that he was dead). Eighteen is the number of oppression or bondage.

Joseph was 39 when he revealed to his father that he was alive and well. From Jacob’s viewpoint, this was a 21-year time of mental distress, when he thought that his son was dead and was lost forever. We should also keep in mind that a big part of the grief was wondering how God’s promise could have failed, for Joseph was the holder of the birthright. Yet the time of distress ended happily and seeing God’s fulfilled promise in the end. Thus ended Jacob’s second 21-year “time of distress.”

What It All Means

These three examples show us that 21 reflects the year of blessing and prosperity.

We may find ourselves, strangers, in a foreign land like the children of Israel in the land of Goshen, but we will scatter property and be fruitful and multiply there.

We may find ourselves still in Egypt, but we find that we are made successful and outdoors there even though thou is still in control, just like Joseph.

And finally, we may find like Joshua that we are heading to our promised land, our destiny placement and that the Lord is going before us to make us successful against all usurpers.

The Prophetic Decree

There is a powerful promise in the prophetic phrase, “It’s the 21st Year!”

Mix it with faith and stand on it even when you can’t see it. You have heard what many have not heard.

Declare, “It’s the 21st Year!”

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