The airspace over the United States is divided into twenty-one Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC). Twenty-one domains control America’s heavenlies. It is time to declare:
It’s the 21st year!
Scriptures tell us that Satan is the prince of the power of the air.
And you, He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience. Ephesians 2:1-2
It is interesting how the verses that uncover the realm in which Satan works show a twenty-one and the reverse of it: 2:1-2. The devil is the author of confusion and therefore seeks to work in the atmosphere spreading chaos, hence all fuss lately about the control of the airwaves, communication channels, and the censoring of speech.
Lucifer was “cast down” from his heavenly perch and now operates in the earth’s atmosphere, known as the “first heaven.” Literally in Greek, this describes from the bottom of the clouds to the surface of the earth.
But some of them said, “He casts out demons by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.” Luke 11:15
In the Old Testament, Satan is referred to as a Ba’al, the root from which Beelzebub originates. Beelzebub means “Lord of the Flies.” There is a famous novel of that name, but this phrase is alliterated to “the Lord of those that Fly.” Therefore, he is the ruler of fallen angels in heavenly places and their demonic companions.
However, Ba’al is known as the god of the storm, rider in the clouds, and god of the rain and dew. He was the rain god.
When Elijah fought the false Jezebel spirit in Israel, he came against the air’s dominating power, the god of the rain and dew, the cloud rider, by withholding rain from the clouds for three and one-half years, the very thing Ba’al was claimed to control.
Fighting Satan is a battle of the airways.
Paul writes it this way:
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12
To expose that the airspace above the nation with twenty-one letters in its name has twenty-one dominion points controlling its airways shows that our battle is above the land.
Lucifer wants to control the airwaves.
The Prince of the Power of the Air doesn’t want the truth to get out. If it does, he cannot control the masses with his lies.
A preacher in the 80s revealed that he once flew into an airport where a storm was brewing, and as he descended below those clouds, he noticed how it gripped the city. Darkness was everywhere.
Yet, moments before he had just flown in clear skies above the storm covering the land. As he watched, holes open up in the clouds and the light above began to stream to everyone below.
“This is how prayer works,” the Lord told him. “It opens the heavens through the oppressive smoke screens of the devil. Those attempts to cloud people’s interpretations and confuse the airways were thwarted as the light of heaven poured through to those who needed a breakthrough.
This is our assignment. It’s time to battle spiritual wickedness in heavenly places.
It’s the 21st year.
Read previous posts from this series:
#1: “It’s the 21st Year!” #2: The Rebellious 21 #3: The Distressful 21 #4: The Timing of 21 #5: The End of Trouble #6: The Maturity of 21 #7: Historical 21 #8: 21 in Science and Math #9: The Resurrection and 21 #10: 21 and the Nature of God #11: Biblical Appearances of 21 #12: The First Mentions of 21 #13: Twenty-One “21st” Chapters: Part 1 #14: Twenty-One “21st” Chapters: Part 2 #15: Twenty-One “21st” Chapters: Part 3 Next: #17: The Prosperity of 21