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#13: Twenty-One “21st” Chapters: Part I

As we continue with the Biblical number twenty-one in the 21st year of the new millennium, let’s look at twenty-one of the most important “chapter 21’s” in Scripture.

Overall, there are twenty-four twenty-first chapters out of the Bible’s sixty-six books. This equates to roughly 1-out-3 chapters numbered twenty-one.

Out of the twenty-four, twenty-one were chosen to review for the ideas contained within. These are astounding to study, especially in this 21st Year.

Jesus Revealed in 21st Chapters

1, ) The first book of the Bible is Genesis, and it has chapter twenty-one. Here we are introduced to the birth of Isaac, who is a prophetic representation of Jesus. He is born a son of promise to His father, willing to be sacrificed on a mountaintop, and married a bride. After this, he disappears, only to reappear later. These are the same events that will describe Jesus, and we find all of this in the first 21st chapter in Scripture.

2.) Numbers Chapter 21 tells us of a bronze serpent on a pole that saved the children of Israel in the wilderness. This revelation is connected directly to John 3:16, the most famous verse of the Bible.

And as Moses lifted the serpent in the wilderness, even so, must the Son of Man be lifted up, That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:14-16

The mystery of the most famous verse in Scripture (John 3:16) where he willingly gave Himself to die on a cross for our sins is first revealed in a twenty-one chapter.

3.) In Matthew 21, we have the event known as Palm Sunday, where Jesus is shown as the Messiah. He is revealed as the coming King.

4.) In John 21, we see the last chapter, which marks the end of the four Gospels. Not another chapter was ever written for any Gospel account after this one. So what does this final Gospel chapter tell us?

Here we are presented with the resurrected Christ. He is made known to believers. Jesus is made manifest as the One who died but rose from the grave. He has power over life and death.

Chapter 21’s have magnificent messages to declare to us about Jesus.

So in just four 21st Chapters, we have the first “type” of Christ, the beginnings of the most famous verse in Scripture, the concept of a coming King, and a picture of our future hope in a resurrected body. This is a “wow” moment to realize how the 21st Chapters openly declare facets about the Son of God.

Jesus and the number twenty-one are fundamentally linked.

21 of Promise

Joshua Chapter 21

“Not a word failed of any good thing Which the LORD had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.”

Listen to the promise of this: When God declares a thing, it will not fail to come to pass. This is the hearing which builds our faith. God does not fail, and we find this out in a “21st” chapter.

2 Chronicles 21 shows us how God was faithful to keep a line of kings through David and never let His promise that his descendants would rule forever. Jesus is that fulfillment as the eternal King, O Thou Son of David.

Proverbs 21 says that no wisdom or counsel stands against the Lord. A point-blank Chapter 21 revelation: God wins. It is a promise.

“It’s the 21st Year!”

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