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BRIAN LOUIS PERKINS is Director of Stormshelter Productions, a Christian drama, non-profit ministry effort. Brian has been producing Christian drama for two decades. He is also a published author of the GodSpeak series, and the seminal The Passover & the Plaque: A Prayer Guide. A biblical teacher, Brian has been faithfully communicating Scripture for over forty years.

Having an ear tuned to the Spirit, stunning revelations come from the overlapping of scientific facts upon in-depth Bible studies with a dash of wordplay. This unique perspective gives readers one aha!-moment after another as they join his journey to discover how, without exception, God is calling us to something greater, and that more than ever, it is critical to hear His voice everyday.

Desiring to share this message according to the Great Commission, he is releasing these revelatory biblical concepts founded in his love of science that is shaped by the deep authority of Scripture. Brian lives with his wife, Jamie, in South Florida.

Stormshelter Press

Stormshelter has been a name associated with BRIAN LOUIS PERKINS since the the 2004 hurricanes season that produced Charlie, Frances, & Jean. All three affected his then Orlando, Florida house. Two of them marked an "x" on the map exactly over his residence. There was the sensation of ears popping twice, once as as the eye wall moved overhead and another as it left.

This experience marked the start of all things Stormshelter for Brian. From it grew, Stormshelter Productions, and of course, Stormshelter Press.

The writing portion is called Press, which is the author side of Brian's endeavors, while Productions is his playwright playground.


The Non-Profit


Brian is forming a non-profit ministry to establish a Christian drama presence in his local community.

Desiring others to catch the vision of excellent faithful drama, Brian has been producing the two seminal plays:

Scrounge: A Narley Tale,


  JESUS: Name Above All Names  

for over two decades.


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